Pharma grade oil refer to oils that meet the pharmaceutical-grade standards and ensures these Oils to be pure, free from contaminants, and suitable for use in pharmaceutical and medical applications. These oils are frequently utilised in medicine formulations, injections as additives or carriers.

Here Are Some Technical Details About Sunflower Oil BP


Sunflower oil is primarily composed of linoleic acid, a polyunsaturated fat, and oleic acid, a monounsaturated fat


Sunflower oil is the non-volatile oil pressed from the seeds of the sunflower plant(Helianthus annum) by cold pressed method.Sunflower oil that comes from these plants is called high-oleic acid sunflower oil.It is a transparent, light yellow liquid that is miscible with light petroleum but almost insoluble in water and alcohol. This oil can be used in cooking and cosmetics, and it is especially popular with people who are concerned about the health impacts of oil because it is a relatively healthy form of vegetable oil as reduces the severity of Asthma and Arthritis and also works as anti-aging.

Here Are Some Technical Details About Sunflower Oil BP
Here Are Some Technical Details About Sunflower Oil USP

Here Are Some Technical Details About Sunflower Oil USP


Sunflower oil is primarily composed of linoleic acid, a polyunsaturated fat, and oleic acid, a monounsaturated fat


Sunflower oil is the non-volatile oil pressed from the seeds of the sunflower plant(Helianthus annum) by cold pressed method.Sunflower oil that comes from these plants is called high-oleic acid sunflower oil.It is a transparent, light yellow liquid that is miscible with light petroleum but almost insoluble in water and alcohol. This oil can be used in cooking and cosmetics, and it is especially popular with people who are concerned about the health impacts of oil because it is a relatively healthy form of vegetable oil as reduces the severity of Asthma and Arthritis and also works as anti-aging.

Here Are Some Technical Details About Teatree Oil BP


The major constituents of Teatree oil are terpinen-4-ol, γ-terpinene, 1,8-cineole, α-terpinene, α-terpineol, p-cymene, and α-pinene.


Teatree oil is produced by steam distillation of the leaves and terminal branches of M. alternifolia. It has a distinctive smell and is a clear, fluid that ranges in colour from colourless to pale yellow. As a natural remedy and antiseptic, tea tree oil kills germs. When used topically, tea tree oil is believed to be antibacterial. Tea tree oil is commonly used to treat acne, athlete's foot, lice, nail fungus and insect bites.

Here Are Some Technical Details About Teatree Oil BP
Here Are Some Technical Details About Thyme Oil BP

Here Are Some Technical Details About Thyme Oil BP


The characterization of thyme oil indicated that thymol, p-cymene, carvacrol, linalool, β-caryphyllene, and terpinen-4-ol are present.


Thyme Oil BP is obtained by steam distillation from the fresh flowering aerial parts of Thymus vulgaris L.This oil has a transparent, dark reddish-brown, liquid appearance with a distinctive, aromatic, spicy smell that is reminiscent of thymol. It is miscible with both light petroleum and ethanol.Thyme essential oil have long been used in traditional medicine as expectorant, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial, and antiseptic agents, mainly in the treatment of the upper respiratory system.

Here Are Some Technical Details About Turpentine Oil BP


Turpentine is composed of terpenes, primarily the monoterpenes alpha- and beta-pinene, with lesser amounts of carene, camphene, dipentene, and terpinolene.


Turpentine is a well-known essential oil extracted by distillation from pine oleoresin. The oleoresin itself is provided by tapping trees of the genus Pinus Turpentine Oil BP is a clear and colorless essential oil. It has a distinct smell and is commonly used in medicines and cosmetics. The oil is well-known for its ability to penetrate the skin, making it a popular choice for topical products. Produced according to the British Pharmacopoeia standards, it ensures high quality and purity for various uses.Turpentine oil is used in soap and cosmetics and also as a paint solvent. It is also added to perfumes, foods, and cleaning agents as a fragrance.

Here Are Some Technical Details About Turpentine Oil BP
Here Are Some Technical Details About Virgin Linseed OIl

Here Are Some Technical Details About Virgin Linseed OIl


Linseed contains principally glycerides of linolenic, linoleic, oleic and palmitic acid. Linseed oil is a rich source of α-Linolenic acid extracted from the dried, ripened seeds of the flax plant *Linum usitatissimum*


Linseed oil, also known as flaxseed oil or flax oil, is a colorless to yellowish oil obtained from the dried, ripened seeds of the flax plant (Linum usitatissimum). The oil is obtained by pressing, sometimes followed by solvent extraction.Linseed Oil is used in rheumatism, arthritis and malaria.It is used in the formulation of various medicines. It is very helpful in treating digestive disorders like IBS, constipation, colon damage, large Intestine problems, flatulence, enteritis, and many other related disorders.
