The spice oils are the oils distilled off from the spices at the initial stage before subject to solvent extraction.The spice essential oils are all steam distilled.Black Pepper, Cardamom, Cassia, Cinnamon Bark, Clove, Coriander, Cumin, Dill, Fennel, Ginger, and Juniper Berry all fall under the spice category.Allspice is used to combat headaches, muscle cramps, and tooth pain. Research suggests that this may be due to its eugenol content, which is an analgesic or pain relief agent commonly used in dentistry. In addition, allspice essential oil may alleviate muscle pain and strains by promoting circulation.

Here Are Some Technical Details About Oregano Oil


Oregano oil consists of phenolic compounds (primarily carvacrol and thymol).This oil also contains sesquiterpene, terpinene, terpineol alcohol, flavonoids, and other compounds


The botanical source of Oregano Oil is Origanum Vulgare Linne (Fam: Labiatae). Oregano essential oil was extracted through the traditional steam distillation method using 2-L steam distillation units. The aromas of this oil are pungent and spicy. Its hues range from yellowish to light brownish. Traditionally, oregano oil was used to cure digestive issues such as indigestion, diarrhoea, and upset stomach. While human studies are limited, there is some evidence that oregano oil may inhibit or destroy the formation of dangerous bacteria in the gut. liquid.

Here Are Some Technical Details About Oregano Oil
Here Are Some Technical Details About Parsley Oil

Here Are Some Technical Details About Parsley Oil


The main constituents of Parsley oil are myristicin, α- pinene, apiol and sabinene.


Parsley oil is obtained by steam distillation of the seeds or the above-ground parts of the plant. Parsley oil is a Fluid Liquid that ranges in colour from yellow to brownish. This oil's scent is extremely spicy and fragrant. Because of its relaxing characteristics and ability to keep bacteria away, parsley oil is frequently included in high-end skincare products, particularly for acne-prone skin. Its benefits include reducing cellulite, stretch marks, and bruising.

Here Are Some Technical Details About Thyme Oil


The characterization of thyme oil by GC and GC-MS methods indicated that thymol, p-cymene, carvacrol, linalool, β-caryphyllene, and terpinen-4-ol are present.


Thyme oil is obtained from the plant Thymus vulgaris L. Thyme Oil BP is obtained by steam distillation from the fresh flowering aerial parts. This oil has a clear, dark reddish-brown liquid colour and a unique, aromatic, spicy perfume reminiscent of thymol. It is miscible with light petroleum as well as ethanol. Because of its antibacterial and antiseptic properties, thyme is a good treatment for colds, coughs, and other respiratory diseases. Thyme also has antibacterial properties and is commonly utilised in face cleansers and acne treatments. A thyme extract may help lower blood pressure.

Here Are Some Technical Details About Thyme Oil
Here Are Some Technical Details About Turmeric Oil

Here Are Some Technical Details About Turmeric Oil


Turmeric oil contains aromatic-turmerone(ar-turmerone), β-turmerone, α-turmerone, α-zingiberene, β-sesquiphellandrene, and β-bisabolene.


Curcuma Longa is the botanical source of turmeric oil. Steam distillation is used with volatile solvents to extract turmeric essential oils. It is a clear liquid that ranges in colour from golden yellow to reddish brown. It has a typical Turmeric root aroma. Turmeric oil has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. As a result, it aids in the prevention of dryness, infections, scars, and blemishes. It maintains the skin's optimal pH level and offers skin-hydrating properties. Turmeric oil has anti-ageing properties as well.
